Music search
Diverse search options - quick results
Find the perfect track for your project among thousands of premium tracks. No matter if full text, preselected categories or granular search criteria - with our search options you will get straight to the perfect result.
If you visit our page using a mobile device, you will find the search filter by clicking the blue button top left.
full-text search
Use the full-text search to look for relevant keywords in the track-descriptions. Just feed the search box with keywords like „suspense, action, trailer, …“ and click on „full-text search“ to have the results displayed.

„MUSIC FOR…“ offers you an appropriate selection of complete music albums for the respective category.
Click the button „MUSIC FOR…“ and a particular category below, to get to the relevant albums.

The filter gives you the most granular search option of them all. Search for genre, instrument, tempo, mood oder album.
Click the button „filter“ and the respective sub-category. Now activate the appropriate check boxes, to filter for the perfect musical piece.

Browse through our music archive by means of genre, the musical mood or our composers. Therefore just click on the links below.