Royalty Free Music Album Vlog & Social Media

The music library Vlog & Social Media with high-quality stock music

Music and film soundtracks Vlog & Social Media

Laying down an easy groove to lighten the palette, this collection is crispy with vinyl rich LoFi and deep dub vibrations. Your audience will feel the mood with these nostalgic tunes rich with saloon pianos and hip hop inspired drums.

10 Tracks 标题     /ID 解说 長度
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Deep Blue
ID: KF035808
Album: Vlog & Social Media
An upbeat and quick LoFi track, it shares elements of breakbeat and boom bap while playing over a deep bass. 02:13
ID: KF035802
Album: Vlog & Social Media
Starting strong with jazz piano riffs, this LoFi track brushes off the dust of classical sounds with a guitar nailing out the riffs. 02:19
ID: KF035809
Album: Vlog & Social Media
This nostalgic-feeling track opens with a guitar playing a progressive rock riff that carries over a boom bap beat. 02:10
Hang Out
ID: KF035805
Album: Vlog & Social Media
A reflective LoFi boom bap ballad played on piano and ukulele. 02:14
In Theory
ID: KF035810
Album: Vlog & Social Media
Opening with a clean electric guitar, the track picks up chill hop vibes with its boom bap kit drums. 02:13
ID: KF035801
Album: Vlog & Social Media
A chilled out lounge piano lays it out on top of a boom bap beep accompanied by a deep reese bass and a trumpet chopping up slices of cool. 02:38
Moving Fast
ID: KF035803
Album: Vlog & Social Media
A dub dish served chill, this piece includes laid back vibes and a funkalicious bass groove with a side of shuffle. 02:20
ID: KF035807
Album: Vlog & Social Media
This downtempo boom bap track features a morose but optimistic bass line and is laced with vocal effects and an entrancing piano that enters at the drop. 02:15
ID: KF035804
Album: Vlog & Social Media
A grainy piano plays a timbre of nostalgia and is joined by LoFi boom bap drums, pumping pads, and an electric guitar. 02:35
ID: KF035806
Album: Vlog & Social Media
Powered by a deep bass, this track includes psychedelic echoes and a spaced out groove. 01:59
10 Tracks 标题/ID 解说 長度









